a preview

A preview of the new book about John Kerry, “Unfit For Command, Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry”. Parody or non-parody? You decide:

The book, co-authored by Jerome Corsi and John O’Neill, represents the views of Vietnam veterans who served with Mr. Kerry and claim his behavior on the battlefield should disqualify him for the presidency. According to a description of the book published by the Drudge Report, it will charge that Mr. Kerry earned his Silver Star by killing a fleeing Vietcong teenager in a loincloth. The book will also claim that Mr. Kerry attacked a peaceful hamlet, slaughtering small animals with high-caliber machine guns and burning down the village with a lighter. It quotes George Bates, an officer who participated in numerous combat operations with Mr. Kerry, as saying that he is still “haunted” by what took place. In short, the authors claim that Mr. Kerry is a fraud.

Parody, right? Something from the new Onion? Nope.