Help Boot Bush

This is an appeal to those of you that read this website.

Markos Zúniga, author and founder of Daily Kos, a well-written blog I frequent, has, with the cooperation of the DNC come up with a novel idea to use the power and common ideology of the weblog community towards a common purpose: generating funds.

To quote Markos:

Daily Kos has worked with the Democratic Party to help narrow the GOP's massive cash advantage. Our nominee will emerge from the primaries bloodied and broke, only to run smack head into $200 million in GOP attack ads. The DNC recognizes the increasing power of the blogosphere, and was receptive when I approached them with a request -- give us the tools to help the party and our nominee defeat Bush. The end result? ePatriots. So donate now and help us retake our nation from Bush and his cabal. Your donations will be crucial to this effort.

Read the rest here.

The idea is that contributions can be made in the name or spirit of particular blogs – in effect allowing the views and ideas represented in those blogs to be communicated in a powerful way. Money talks. It’s a neat idea because it allows for you to contribute money in such a way that it has a more specific “face” (the ideology of a particular blog or community) than a simple acronym..

Why contribute money? There was a time when I may have considered myself too cool to care about politics at all, much less contribute my hard-earned money. But this current administration is evidence that not caring is extremely dangerous. The civil liberties, the warmongering, the fiscal irresponsibility, and the multitudes of other problems I have seen come about because of this administration are things that I care about. Is the Democratic party the perfect answer? No. The Democratic party is a sad, fragmented “lesser-evil” that kowtows to the financial and political might of the Republican right. They have become yesterday’s moderate Republican. But this is precisely the opportunity that allows us to make a change and to start caring – to show that “grassroots” movements and liberal ideology are not dead, and that we are worth listening to.

So, I’ve registered to vote, and I’m contributing money to the DNC. I hope you will too.